ZIMBOCASH – Developers Agreement


Intent and Vision

We’re establishing a ZIMBOCASH Core Development Team (the “Development Team” and individually, “the Developer” or “you”) who will be engaged to develop the IT infrastructure, architecture and code of the ZIMBOCASH system.

We aim to create an IT infrastructure, architecture and IT coding to enable the ZIMBOCASH system. The Development Team are IT developers who have experience and training in IT infrastructure, architecture and IT coding to enable the ZIMBOCASH system.  


The Development Team will be responsible to design, build, create and test the codes required. They will also be encouraged to train, guide and supervise other volunteers.

Should you be invited into the Development Team, we will establish various team meetings and delegate certain tasks to you, in discussions with you. We will need you to attend team meetings frequently and provide regular feedback as to your progress on the tasks. .The Developer acknowledges and agrees that he/she will not be eligible for any employee benefits from ZIMBOCASH. To clarify, even in the case the Developer otherwise would be eligible for any of ZIMBOCASH’s employee benefits in terms of any law, the Developer hereby expressly declines to participate in such employee benefits.

During the term of this Agreement, ZIMBOCASH’s relationship with you will be that of an independent volunteer and under no circumstances are you deemed to be an employee of ZIMBOCASH.


ZIMBOCASH is a decentralised movement – our goal is to partner with people who are passionate about making a difference in Zimbabwe as a first motive. The greatest benefit of ZIMBOCASH is working to transform the financial system of Zimbabwe into one where ordinary people can prosper, transact and save using money they trust.

As part of this process, there will be, from time to time, incentives and rewards for the developers paid out in ZIMBOCASH allocations.  These will be discussed with you and during each coding season.


Developing Designs and Systems

We are working at developing systems that will make ZIMBOCASH succeed. You confirm that all Designs and Systems you provide to ZIMBOCASH are your own work and that you have not nor will not copy or infringe on anybody else’s work.

You are solely responsible and liable for all of your Designs and Programs. If you submit anything to us, you confirm that you have obtained all necessary permissions for us to use such Designs and Systems. You also confirm that your work will not violate any agreements or confidentiality obligations; and that the Designs and Systems will not violate, infringe or misappropriate any intellectual property right or other proprietary rights, including the right of publicity or privacy, of any other person or entity.

By posting, uploading, providing or submitting your Designs and Systems you grant ZIMBOCASH, its affiliates and any necessary sub-licensees an exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, right and permission to use, reproduce, copy, edit, modify, translate, reformat, create derivative works from, distribute, transmit, publicly perform and publicly display your Designs and Systems and sub-license such rights to others.

Although we have no obligation to screen, edit or monitor the Designs and Systems, we reserve the right, and have absolute discretion, to remove, screen or edit such Designs and Systems. If we have reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, breach or misuse of the ZIMBOCASH systems or brand, or if you breach any of your obligations under these terms, we may suspend your use of, and input to, the ZIMBOCASH website and associated systems.

If you give feedback to us by submitting any questions, follow up ideas, comments, suggestions, original or creative materials or other information to us (collectively, “Feedback”), you do so of your own accord and not in terms of any request from us. We reserve the right to use Feedback for any purpose at no charge and without compensation to you. Do not send us Feedback if you expect to be paid or want to continue to own or claim rights to your Feedback. The purpose of these terms is to avoid potential misunderstandings in the event that your Feedback is used.


A ZIMBOCASH team member will be responsible for project management and will be assigned to engage with you. Your role within the team is to plan and develop code within a broader IT architectural strategy – we will therefore give you feedback and will likely need several planning sessions related to the code, several iterations of changes and adaptations, and may on occasion decide to alter the code directly or appoint others on the role if necessary. We are a team, and we work as a team. We want to engage with you and to hear your input and feedback. However, the team leaders in the broader development need to maintain the final authority on the exact approach, the final code used and the process used to finalise such code.

Incurring Expenses

The Developer is not authorised to incur any expenses nor enter into any contract on behalf of ZIMBOCASH, nor in any way bind ZIMBOCASH or any of its team members to third parties without the prior written authorisation of the ZIMBOCASH team.

Other agreements

Both parties remain free to enter into similar agreements with other third parties. However, the Developer represents and warrants that he/she is not under any pre-existing obligation in conflict or in any way inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.

All potential developers should assess their skills, time availability and commitment prior to signing this agreement.  Tasks allocated will be negatively affected when a developer leaves mid-project.  Should you decide that you would no longer like to be part of the Development Team, please try to complete the task at hand and perform a handover to others before leaving.


We emphasise that the cryptocurrency environment and the currency situation in Zimbabwe is constantly changing.  As such, the approach we need to take to solve problems will also need to be flexible to handle these constant changes. This may require changes in strategies and methodologies during the projects.   

Confidential Information

ZIMBOCASH may disclose confidential information to you. The Ambassador shall not disclose to third parties any material or information received from ZIMBOCASH and marked as confidential or which should be understood to be confidential (“Confidential Information”), and shall not use such Confidential Information for any other purposes than those stated in this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Ambassador will, at the request of any of the ZIMBOCASH Team, return or destroy any Confidential Information in its possession.

No Forking

You as a developer may be provided with the ZIMBOCASH database at any stage within the development or post-development phase. You may not copy this database in any way. You warrant that you will not use the database or any related information to develop or cause to develop an alternative competing currency, cryptocurrency, token, or payment service – even if the database and related information is publicaly available. ZIMBOCASH retains full rights to the entire database, the intellectual property thereto and any associated information. 

Conflict Resolution

The parties hereto will use their reasonable best efforts to resolve any dispute hereunder through good faith negotiations. A party hereto must submit a written notice to any other party to whom such dispute pertains, and any such dispute that cannot be resolved within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of such notice (or such other period to which the parties may agree) will be submitted to the ZIMBOCASH team. The decision of the ZIMBOCASH team, or of a majority thereof, as the case may be, made in writing will be final and binding upon the parties hereto as to the questions submitted, and the parties will abide by and comply with such decision


Keep safe. The ZIMBOCASH team can't offer you legal or other protection – this is a decentralised movement and you agree to take responsibility for your actions and engagements with authorities and with others.

Whole Agreement

This Agreement includes the terms and conditions and privacy policy available and updated from time to time on the ZIMBOCASH website and supersedes all oral negotiations and prior writings with respect to the subject matter hereof.


In the event that any clause or part of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, only that particular provision or part so found, and not the entire agreement, will be inoperative.


ZIMBOCASH may assign its rights and obligations in terms of this agreement to any company related to a corporate acquisition, merger or incorporation in respect of the ZIMBOCASH venture.

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